Project Setup
Steps to create a basic project | Install the setup on the robot controller
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Steps to create a basic project | Install the setup on the robot controller
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Though this work has been carried out and documented with utmost sincerity and care, author of this Gitbook is not responsible to any sort of damage viz. personal, hardware and software etc. in connection with utilization of the guide. Though these are variants of collaborative robot, please refer to the technical and safety manual before proceeding and take utmost care possible.
At this point, it is assumed that robot manipulator is connected with robot controller with necessary cables. The laptop and the robot controller / robot is connected with a CAT5 cable, either directly or through a router ( preferred ). KUKA Workvisual and Sunrise Workbench is installed.
These topics are not yet covered by this guide yet. I would like to add these hopefully soon enough.
Sunrise Workbench is the IDE for the robot cell to program the robot. It has been built on core of Eclipse Project.
In order to start robot programming, first we need to create a Sunrise Project. This can be done from File > New > Sunrise Project
Now, we need to follow the on screen instructions to finish the Project and create a basic application.
Next window asks for the Controller IP address. In this case I have kept the default IP address of the controller which is
There are two methods of creating a project.
Create a new project offline and sync the same project with the controller later.
Query the network and mirror the existing project in the controller to local PC and work on it.
As of now, we are working with the first option, i.e. create a new project (offline). Click on Next until it finishes, to proceed.
This window should pop up prompting for a project name. Its imperative to create a legible and relevant name. In this case, I have named it kuka-iiwa-14-gh-prc.
Select the robot manipulator model and Media Flange type. In our case its LBR iiwa 14 820 and Touch pneumatic media flange. AFAIK, the names are in German but could easily be understood. This is a necessary step as the robot length, ergo the TCP varies with the Media Flange type.
The next page will show a summary of the project. Beneath the summary there is a small check box saying, Create new Sunrise Application(Starts other wizard). Tick the checkbox and press Finish. It will prompt another dialogue box.
When prompted, select the RoboticsAPI Application and click next.
Give a name to the robot application. Keep in mind to start the naming with Capital Letter as per naming convention of a class.
Once you click on finish, the project opens with the file. On left, in the package explorer the project tree can be accessed. The java file is located in: src>application.
This concludes the basic project settings.
Once the project settings are completed, we need to setup the station, safety configuration and install them into the sunrise cabinet, After that it will be available for accessing through the smartPAD.
Before delving into that we will look into the Remote Desktop Connection into the Sunrise Cabinet.